Notes: Updated information. I have more suggestions but will not overload you. I do not know what other factors (medications in particular), so please read to see if there are possible interactions. I have always gained good results by using a multiple approach factor, e.g. things work better when done in a spectrum of attack. I also tend to "cycle" through my supplements (except for Vitamin C, E and general multiple vitamin/mineral). Cycling would be the idea that I rotate the supplements meaning I may take a group on day 1 then skip day 2 etc. Keep in mind that these are solid ideas but also generalized ideas, some trial and error is likely necessary. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tocotrienols: Tocotrienols are a form of Vitamin E and research indicates they are powerful in supporting cardiovascular health. Since they are antioxidants, they will target inflammation (arthritis). BTW, most diseases can be categorized as...